10 Ways To Honor Taurus Season

Taurus season always makes me think of my sister. While I struggle to keep plants alive, she’s a natural, growing enormous patches of colorful flowers and wild bushes of tomatoes. She loves animals and worked on farms for years — tending to chickens, goats, and sheep; living close to the land. She’s a born artist, learning complex art forms quickly, making clothing, dyeing wool, and pouring stained glass that anyone would buy in a shop.

Emotionally, she comes off as deeply grounded. But when it comes to a Taurus, you should never confuse kindness for weakness. While I’m a chaotic mix of fire and air, she’s earth (Taurus) and fire (Aries) — with the keen ability to take raw materials and forge them into whatever shapes she desires.

Not sure what Taurus season is all about? Read on for some details on this beautiful time – our first earth sign of the Zodiac, and how to honor your time here.

Taurus Energies

Taurus season blesses us as the second sign in the Zodiac from about April 19th through May 20th. Ruled by sensual Venus, Taurus season is all about feeding your earthly senses of touch, taste, smell, and sight. Whether that means surrounding yourself with fragrant flowers, cooking up feasts with plenty of fresh-cut herbs, or simply sipping tea and reading a book — it’s time to relish in earthly delights.

After the intensity of Aries season, which encouraged us to take new initiatives, lean in, and add fuel to the fire of our desires, Taurus season is a time to ground and stabilize. If Aries is the first spark of spring, Taurus season is when buds are unfolding into flowers. It’s truly a time to stop and smell the roses.

With Taurus energies, we’re grounded more into the density of the “real world,” feeling more practical, and committed to doing the work that needs to be done — not flashy work that gets all the attention. In many ways, it’s a good time to get back to basics — those parts of your practice you thought you’d graduated from. 

There’s much to be learned from cracking open the spiritual books you started with, going back to simple breath-based meditations, and swapping more intense healing practices with just laying outside on the grass and watching the clouds shape shift above you.

Action Item: Getting Back to Basics

As a way to honor Taurus season, you can start to think of what getting back to basics means for you. Maybe it’s time to start cooking more meals from scratch, or turning off the TV and chatting with your loved ones before bed. What are some basic ways you can regulate your nervous system or find more simple joys in your life? Jot down a few ideas that you can try this Taurus seasons — the simpler, the better.

Venus and The Bull: The Duality of Taurus Season

Taurus season is ruled by the planet Venus. Just like the goddess, Venus represents all things sensual. And I don’t just mean sensual-sexy — I mean of the senses. Sensuality is pleasure of all kinds – delicious foods, moving your hips to gorgeous music, buying the softest bedding and adding fluffy pillows and fake fur blankets to the living room couch.

But the season is also represented by the bull archetype – slow and stable, but stubborn and somewhat resistant to change. Venus is beauty, the arts, pleasure, and emotions. The bull is determination, fierceness, — a fixedness that can be intimidating (or just frustrating).

Action Item: Explore Your Own Relationship With Taurus Duality

Remember, you don’t have to have planets in Taurus to experience the energy of this season. This is the perfect time to explore the duality of Taurus in your own life. Are you more drawn to languishing in the beauty and sensuality this life has to offer? Or do you ignore simple pleasures with a bullish fixation or work?

Are you honoring both energies? What are the positives and negatives associated with both ways of being?

For instance, if you’re laying by the pool every day, drinking ice tea and listening to your favorite tunes, but totally ignoring your work-from-home duties, maybe you can call in some more bullish determination.

Or, if you can’t pull yourself away from your desk and haven’t enjoyed yourself since 2017, what are some ways you can create a little staycation and treat yourself?

Taurus And The Material World

The mantra for Taurus is “I have” as the sign is associated with the material plane and earthly possessions. It’s one of the two “money signs” of the Zodiac, Cancer being the other.

This doesn’t mean that all Taurus folks are obsessed with money and possessions. But there can be a fascination with material things – even if that means accumulating art supplies or collecting cool rocks.

Many Taurian folks are happiest at home or in their garden or art studio, surrounded by the things they’ve purchased or created. Again, this isn’t about being money-hungry or only concerned with material objects. It’s about being infatuated with the earthly things you surround yourself with. Taurians don’t just spend for spending’s sake… they truly value what they accumulate.

Taurus is also related to the idea of security and the search for permanence in things like a home, love, and career. What a fascinating subject to work with!

Action Item: Explore Your Relationship to Money and Material Possessions

Money is… inevitable. Whether you like it, love it, or resent it, we all need it for our most basic survival. So, how are you feeling lately about your relationship with money? Is it a means to an end? A fun game? Or are you gambling your peace and spiritual connection away to the Amazon.com gods?

Now is the perfect time to look at what you surround yourself with and what you’ve been spending your hard-earned money on. If you’re an over-spender, you can take a pause, take an inventory, and perhaps do some inner work on why it feels so damn good to buy high heels you’re literally wear once.

How has your mindset and values systems around money changed in the last few years?

You can also use this season to reorganize, purge, and make some donation piles. Taurus energies aren’t just about accumulation — they’re also about sharing and making sure more people feel at home in this world.

10 Ways To Honor Taurus Season

If the above action items got you excited to dig even deeper into the fertile soils of Taurus season, here are a few other ways you can honor the season until May 20th.

If this post has you excited, I highly recommend grabbing a copy of my Wheel of the Year Alchemical Planner and Spellbook.

1. streamline workflows

This is a great time to set up new foundations at home and at work. Streamline your workflow, clean up old spreadsheets, organize your finances, or start meal prepping every Sunday. Taurus energy gives us the stability and organizational energies we need to set ourselves up for success for the rest of the year.


Anyone with a window can grow seeds from scratch! As you sew your seeds, set an intention alongside them, so your wish will grow along with the greenery. If you’re truly not into gardening, plant the seeds of your future intentions by making a list of goals, then writing tactical lists toward reaching them.


Taurians are natural earth babies. They love to hike and swim and when they’re at home, they’re probably getting their hands dirty in the garden. This might seem challenging if you live in a big city, but there’s nature all around us if we just look. Make it a point to gaze into the treetops and the clouds. Stop and smell the roses. Whatever you can do to bond with Mother Earth.


So many us live in our heads and not in our bodies. Multiply that by a million during times of stress and uncertainty. Taurus season asks us to ground and stabilize, which means getting back into the body. Self-massage is a simple practice of taking your favorite oil or lotion and gently massaging it into your skin with intention. Treat yourself as you would a lover, caressing your limbs softly and taking your time.


Speaking of getting into your body, sensual touch and orgasm are amazing for the mind and body. I know that it can feel tough to get your sexy on when times are stressful, but orgasms are a fantastic form of self-care and a practice in getting more in touch with your body.


Not feeling sexual? No worries. Throw on your favorite tunes every morning and dance and shake it out. Bonus points for dancing like no one’s watching. I’ve been getting into my body every day with The Class. It’s like ecstatic dance meets pilates meets shouting. And it’s a glorious release.


Taurians love hosting a good dinner party. Or picking some home-grown veggies and whipping up a delicious salad. Honor the season and the groundedness of Taurus by baking bread or cooking a delicious spread. Bonus points for inviting your favorite people over to share in the abundance.


The change in Zodiac signs means a good altar refresh! If you can’t justify the expense of fresh flowers, add some cuttings from a nature walk or play up your crystals on your altar to honor this month’s earth energy. A good altar cleaning is always welcome and your guides and ancestors will always be happy about new offerings like fresh fruit, love notes, or shots of their favorite alcohol.


You’ve likely heard of grounding or “earthing” — the practice of putting your feet or your body onto the ground outside to balance your energy and reconnect with the earth. If you can’t get outside (or even if you can), I recommend spending more time on the ground in general. Sitting or laying on the floor or stretching while watching TV, rolling around, and exploring how your body naturally moves can do wonders for pain and stiffness!


Taurians are natural artists with a good ear and eye for beauty and pleasure. Music and art elicit emotion, which can be intimidating in times of crisis. I went for years without singing or creating music because I had so much unresolved trauma… any time I played certain songs or try to sing, it would just make me too sad.

But I challenge you to embrace your artistic side right now. What did you love creating as a kid or a teenager? What art forms have you always wanted to try? Now is an excellent time to explore your creativity. 

Taurus Season Journal Prompts

  1. What does loyalty and commitment mean to you? In friendship? In love relationships? At work? Examine how you expect commitment from others and what you’re willing to give in return. 

  2. Taurians are known for being stubborn, but is that always a bad thing? How can you be more firm in your beliefs? Are you a perpetual people-pleaser or shape-shifter — always crumbling to the whims of the people around you? What are your convictions? What will you go to war for?

  3. What’s your relationship with pleasure? With LUXURY? What are some ways you can feel and experience more pleasure every day (not just on special occasions)? This doesn’t have to cost anything. Maybe it’s just giving yourself more time to read a book or luxuriate in a bath. But I do want you to go big with your list. How would you experience pleasure if money were no object?

  4. How do you feel about rest and relaxation? What do those words bring up for you? How do they make you feel in your body? Is there a yearning? Is there judgment or shame? Write your thoughts, yearnings, desires, and judgements down. Think of ways you can bring in more rest… Or if you can’t seem to break out of a lazy streak, ideate on how you can practice more aligned action.

That’s it for your Taurus season rundown. Check back often for more ways to celebrate the astrological seasons!


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