6 Ways to Explore The Depths of Pisces Season

It’s Pisces season! Starting on February 19 and getting its watery, emotional ways on until about March 20, Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac. Pisces season tends to deal with sticky or deep emotions and can really slow things down —especially for fire signs.

But, there are some easy ways to dive into Piscean energy to get the most out of this season.

What is Pisces Energy All About?

A mutable water sign with the symbol of a fish, Pisces are known for their ability to explore the deep… of the subconscious and emotional worlds that is!

Folks with a lot of Pisces in their charts generally function way high on the spectrum of emotion and intuition, sensitive to the feelings and energy of people and things around them.

They tend to be a tad more introverted, sensitive, and artistic. And as the last sign in the wheel of the Zodiac, Pisces season is known as a time to go inward and focus on completing cycles of all kinds.

What Does Mutable Mean?

In astrology, the mutable signs are the ones that help usher in a new season. They lie on the cusp of winter and spring, spring and summer, summer and fall, fall and winter.

As such, they’re usually associated with change, adaptability, and flexibility. This is why these signs are usually so empathetic and feel all the things.

Their ability to change and adapt makes them good counselors, therapists, healers, and diplomats. On the other hand, the ever-changing nature of these signs makes it difficult for them to commit to just one idea or way of being.

Ways to Use Pisces Season to Your Advantage

As a gal with all fire and air in her chart, it’s kind of tough for me to get in on Pisces season. Rather than feeling all flowy and in touch with my emotions, I’ll sometimes rebel, getting angry and frustrated instead.

But there’s a lot I can learn from my Piscean sisters and brothers. Whether you’re into this season or not, you can use the following tips and tricks to fully immerse yourself into Piscean energy and get the most out of the season…

Get in Touch With Your Deepest Why

Why do you even have the goals and dreams that you do? Do you even still want to accomplish these goals? Write down your 1-, 5-, and 10-year visions for your life, and make sure they still vibe with you. It’s ALWAYS ok to edit —whether you’re editing people, visions, goals, and dreams from your life. Get it all out of your system and get your head on straight before Aries season begins on March 21st!

Connect With Others

Make the time to connect with family, friends, and other loved ones. It’s all too easy to fill the hours with work and push connection to the side. Even if it’s just 15 minutes. I’m trying to create a better habit of calling friends and family when I’m in between meetings or errands. Just because I don’t have an hour to talk doesn’t mean I can’t check in.

This is also a great time to turn up the romance if you’re in a love relationship … or turn up the love on yourself! Because Pisces tends to slow us down and put us in our feelings, you can tune into your wants, needs, and desires, then share them with your partner. Single? No problem. You can start journaling more, taking some sensual baths, or finding time for self-pleasure.

Balance Your Nervous System

Fire signs, you know I’m talking to you. Stress is really getting the best of most of us. Whether you own your own business, work from home, or are underemployed, it seems there’s always room in our brains for stress.

That means, even when you’re *technically* relaxing in a nice bath or with some Netflix and (actual) chill, your brain is still on high alert, sending signals to your body that it’s time to run.

Ya’ll. We have GOT to learn to relax our nervous systems. However, you do this — do it. I’ve found that tapping or EFT is an incredible reset for my nervous system. That, along with avoiding sugar, processed food, and alcohol, plus moving your body every day, is a must. Especially if you struggle with overwhelm, depression, anxiety, or panic disorder.

Practice Your Art

Remember when you were a kid, and you got lost for hours in things like cutting pictures out of magazines or creating intricate make-believe worlds for your dolls?

Yeah — do that! Take up the guitar. Sing karaoke. Buy a cheap set of watercolor paints. Or an expensive set! Create your vision board (see ritual below!). Pisces love to get lost in their art.

Remember! You can use the energies of any sign to your advantage, even if you don’t have any of that sign in your chart. In fact, I recommend it! It’s an excellent way to get in touch with the Zodiac, the seasons, and the changing seasons.

Feel Your Feelings

I know that Pisces season can be really rough for people. Especially highly sensitive and intuitive folks. Just know that it’s ok to have emotions.

It’s ok to take breaks (especially away from other people). And know that you may experience emotions, but you are not your emotions. This is a great time for deep breaths and journaling. Also, an excellent time to take up a meditation or mindfulness practice.

Feel free to dream

This one feels a bit redundant, but it bears repeating: it’s ok to slow down and FLOW with the fishies! Let yourself daydream. Get lost in your art.

Throw your schedule in the trash (at least for a few hours per day if you can get away with it). Go on a hike. Do a walking meditation.

This is the part of the energetic cycle for you to complete thought loops, let go of old patterns, and get inspired by the endless beauty of life.

Pisces Season Ritual

Pisces season is a beautiful time to go inward and reflect. Use this ritual at any time during the season, or even during any Pisces New or Full Moon to explore the depths of your inner worlds.

Step 1: Explore the Depths

Sit in a silent or breath-based meditation for 5-10 minutes, relaxing your body and asking your guides or your higher self to come out to the party.

Do a body scan from head to toes, noticing where you hold any tension, anger, anxiety, or fear.

When you’re done, open your eyes and grab your journal. Write down the parts of your body where you felt these emotions.

Now begin to explore what these sensations might mean to you.

If you’re not getting anywhere, start writing a list of fears and anxieties. Fun, right??

Dig deep and brain dump anything and everything that you might feel some tension or fear, sadness or frustration over.

This list is giving you HUGE insight into what you need to change in your life.

One of two things needs to happen from here:

  1. You wrote down a fear and it immediately lost its power over you. Yay, we’re done with that one! Check!

  2. It’s time to put your thing down, flip it and reverse it. (Missy fans? Anyone?) Look at your fear, then write down anything and everything you can actively do to assuage that fear.

For instance, if you’re broke and can’t seem to get ahead, maybe it’s time to rent a money mindset book from the library or hire a coach.

Maybe you can ask your mom to hide a certain percentage of your paycheck from you every month. Get creative!

Once you’re done with this part of the exercise, it’s time to manifest.

Step 2: Lose Yourself

In honor of Pisces season, we’re going to make sacred vision boards. The idea being you’re simultaneously losing yourself in art and bringing your desires to the surface all at once.

  1. Put on some beautiful music. Grab some healing tea.

  2. Gather photos from magazines or the Internet. Or draw, paint, or otherwise create them yourself.

  3. Arrange your photos on a large table or on the ground so you can see everything.

  4. Light a candle (somewhere safe, away from your paper mountain) and set the intention to channel your perfect vision of the future.

  5. Place all of your photos on a giant poster board or piece of paper. I like to lay everything out first, then paste it all down when I have it exactly how I want it.

  6. Feel free to add a bit of Prosperity, Love, or Passion oil to the four corners of your board.

  7. Post this board where you can see it and take a look every day until it no longer feels aligned.

That’s it! Enjoy this beautiful season as it preps you for the first sign of the zodiac and the astrological new year: Aries.


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