7 Modern Ways to Celebrate Lammas

Our ancestors loved a good harvest celebration.* And why wouldn’t they? The harvest was their reward after months of preparation and work in the fields. 

Lammas or Lughnasadh (pronounced LOO-NAH-SAH) is the first of the ancient Pagan harvest festivals, falling between the Summer Solstice and the Autumnal Equinox on August 1.

Of course, most of us won’t literally be kicking off the harvest season with bags full of grain or baskets full of squash and tomatoes, but honoring the energy of the Sabbats is still a beautiful way to stay in touch with the shifts of the seasons and the inevitability of change.  

The more you understand nature and magic of change, the less you find yourself resisting hot, muggy summers or dark winter days… And the more you notice the subtle shifts in energy that come with each season. 

As Lammas ushers in the beginning of the end of summer, it’s a beautiful time to pause and soak in the last of these hot, lazy days. 

In this article, you’ll learn some modern ways to honor the energies of Lammas, including some of the classic symbolism and altar additions.

What is Lammas?

Lammas or Lughnasadh (pronounced LOO-NAH-SAH) is a Pagan holiday that marks the halfway mark between summer and fall and one of the bigger harvests of the year. Most people recognize Lammas on August 1, but I think it's appropriate to celebrate as long as you want. After all, this is the harvest season.

While the Fall Equinox or Mabon around September 22 is widely recognized as the most abundant time of the year, Lammas marks the beginning of the harvest — a time when gardens and fields of wheat and corn are bursting with life and ready for the picking.

Energetically speaking, Lammas is closely connected to the Sun and occurs about a week into Leo season (also ruled by the Sun). In astrology, the Sun represents the self, identity, the conscious mind, and our creative life force and will to exist. 

So, this is a great time to re-examine where most of your energy is going and what lights you up. If you haven’t been feeling particularly motivated or inspired, I recommend setting up your Lammas altar, meditating, journaling, and praying to the Sun gods for guidance.

Magically and energetically speaking, Lammas is also a fantastic time for abundance magic, sun magic, and energetic explorations of the self and your goals. 

Common Lammas Correspondences 

Every Sabbat comes with a list of common correspondences that you can bring in to help harness the energy of the time and make offerings. The theme for your Lammas altar is fertility, abundance, gratitude, and the harvest.

But since this time is also about connecting with your creative life force, I recommend adding representations of what you want to create in your life. For instance, if you're working on a book, add a favorite book to your altar, or write a petition to the gods to give you the energy and inspiration to finish.

Here are some other ideas for your Lammas altar: 

  • Produce (seasonal, local fruit and vegetables)

  • Grains, wheat, barley, corn

  • Meadowsweet, mint, sunflower, calendula 

  • Late summer flowers (common to your area)

  • Bread (homemade or fresh from the baker)

  • Other agricultural symbols

  • Sickles and scythes

  • Baskets, other weaved things

  • Jar of honey

  • Grapes and wine

  • Grape leaves

  • Iron (which represents protection magic)

Lammas Crystals:

  • Citrine

  • Aventurine

  • Carnelian

  • Sunstone

Lammas Colors:

  • A combination of summer and fall colors

  • Greens and browns for fertility and the earth

  • Gold

  • Yellows

  • Oranges

  • Reds and burgundy

7 Modern Ways to Honor the Energies of Lammas

For those of us who don't have a lot of grain to harvest, we can use this time for reflection, gratitude, and celebration. Energetically, we can also use this time to reap what we've sown (goals, projects, inner work, etc.), since the Summer Solstice or since the beginning of the year. Or, digging deep into the self and what we’re really meant to bring to light in this lifetime.

Here are just a few modern ideas to honor Lammas, whether you're a solo witch or feel like having a few friends over to celebrate.

#1: Set Up Your Lammas Altar

Different seasons and celebrations call for different altar decorations and offerings. For a step-by-step guide on setting up your first altar, check out this post.

For Lammas, start with in-season flowers, herbs, fruits, and veggies. Your local farmers market is a great place to find fresh, local produce and flowers (which the gods adore). 

Sunflowers, marigolds, mint, basil, and meadowsweet all go well on a Lammas altar. Meadowsweet was a sacred herb to ancient druids and was used in everything from wedding crowns to healing potions.

Corn is also heavily associated with this time of year, and traditionally, folks would make little dolls from corn husks or place bundles of grain on their altars. Little bowls of oats, rye, or barley will also work.

Colors of Lammas include greens of all shades, gold, yellow, orange, and reds to represent the highest exaltation of the Sun gods and goddesses.

Crystals for your Lughnasadh altar can include anything representing abundance, fertility, or the Sun. Citrine, aventurine, carnelian, and sunstone are all good options. 

#2: Perform Abundance Spells

Lammas is a time of great abundance. Crops have had months to flourish and it's time for a bountiful harvest. And if you can barely grow a sprig of rosemary? No worries... you can harness the energy of the harvest for other things.

Try an abundance spell to bring in more money, love, time, ease, energy, health... really anything that you want more of.

#3: Host a Potluck

Most of us grew up only celebrating a few key religious holidays. The Wheel of the Year asks us to recognize and honor each passing season with intention.

Show gratitude for your food, drink, family, and friends this season... Not everyone is so lucky to have an abundance of food on the table every night — let alone friends to share it with!

Our ancestors knew the importance of gratitude because a bad harvest or a big storm would wipe out enough food to keep them hungry for months. A good harvest was literally the difference between life and death. So, let’s tap into some deep gratitude and share what we have! Gratitude only brings more of what you need.

#4: Take a Trip to the Farmers Market

One of the best ways to celebrate the seasons is to consume what's in season. If you have access to a farmer’s market, take advantage of the fresh produce, the wind in your hair, and a good conversation with the farmers who grew your dinner.

Notice the incredible bounty at your fingertips this time of year. And if you can't make it to the market, do a little extra research and make it a point to prioritize seasonal foods. 

#5: Clean and Re-Organize Your Home

Any seasonal transition marks a great time to turn inward and take stock of everything you already have.

Go through closets, your car, the garage, and old filing systems. Get rid of what you no longer need or what no longer sparks joy (thanks, Ms. Kondo). Better yet? Donate the things you no longer use to those who need them.

Dust your house, clean the floors, and wash your sheets. The Sabbats always mark a time of transition, which offers a sacred opportunity to start fresh.

You can also do a big energy cleansing of your home with sacred smoke, resins, and other cleansing tools.

#6: Audit Your Goals and Dreams

We're so used to forging ahead after the last goal is accomplished with little to no recognition of what you’ve just been through.

Since Lammas is a holiday of abundance, make a list of your accomplishments, the goals you've reached, and the money or success you've earned. Every time I go through my finances, I’m shocked to see how much money I’ve earned… I don’t always feel abundant, even when I clearly am on paper.

Light some green candles and read the list out loud to yourself. Sit in meditation or prayer, tapping into the feeling of gratitude and abundance, and perhaps add a few new goals to your list.

#7: Get Outside!

Go on a hike, plan a camping trip, or go to the beach. The cooler months are just around the corner. Squeeze the life out of summer while you can!

Another Lammas tradition is collecting seeds from your plants for the spring planting season. If you do have a garden, spend some time cleaning up your beds, pruning, and collecting and organizing seeds.

All of these practices are a bit more modern than crafting a corn doll or baking fresh bread. Although that last one sounds delicious. The main goal when working with the energies of Lammas is to celebrate and give thanks for abundance, so as long as you're doing that, you're golden.

*Please note that I celebrate (and therefore talk about) Sabbats and celebrations associated with my own Northern European heritage. However, ALL ancient cultures have their own special ways of acknowledging the passing of the seasons and the magic associated with the spiral of life. While many of the Sabbats I speak on have origins in the history and folklore of ancient Europe, they’re honored and celebrated by witches of all backgrounds, so please don’t hesitate to celebrate regardless of your ancestral makeup!


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